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      Assessment of the Human Race

Assessment of Earth primates and in particular Homo Sapiens:

Researchers conclude women rule will be better for our world

Amazon Woman  

Even though "Amazon women" have historically been known as fierce warriors, researchers conclude that Homo Sapiens (humans) would have a more peaceful existence in a female dominated world.

Those species of primates that are male dominated are more violent and more destructive to other animal species, the environment and to each other while those primate species that are female dominated are more peaceful, more in harmony with other animal species and less harmful to the environment.

Are you a woman who believes the world would be a better place if the meek inherited the Earth? You can make it so. Right now, through natural selection many women are choosing what they often call "Real Men" who unfortunately are prone to more animal like tendencies, thus the world we live in today. Just look at terrorist organizations like IRGC, ISIS, the Taliban, or even men in riots after sports games. Look how easily information warfare incites rage in people to be set against each other. In many cultures around the world, through natural selection, men are being bred for this animal instinct to fight. Try to understand what this species looks like to your neighbors, how bizarre that you wear clothes as if you are "civilized", yet your games, TV shows, movies, magazines and books glorify violence on each other.

But you can make a difference. As a matriarch you can change all this. You can change the world. Stop mating with this type of man. Find a meek man to father your children. Please, for the sake of the world, find an intelligent healthy good natured meek man and do not give in to animal instinctive desires for a more animal like man. The evolution or de-evolution of the human race is in your hands.

We are what we breed.

Because some have asked; No, this is not satire. Millions of lives are at stake. Women, please wake up and realize your full potential. You can have much greater personal fulfillment inside and outside the bedroom from being in charge, not just role playing being in charge and not from finding the right man to take the lead.

Many women have already decided they don't want a more animal like man and have instead chosen to be with another woman. But please consider the benefit to society as a whole to seek out meek men. At least, if you and your partner choose to have children, please consider fathering your children with your house husbands. You and your partner can raise your children and your house husbands together. If you feel that even this is not an option and you choose to visit a sperm bank for starting a family, please consider investigating if the donor was an intelligent healthy meek man or a more animal like man. The future of our species is in your hands.

Please help spread this unpopular message about another way civilization can be organized that could be more resilient to chaos if the world continues to experience more chaos from climate change, war, political instability or natural disasters, etc..

Please share this link to our gender policy with all your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc.:

Our condolences go out to the victims and families of victims of _______________________________________.
Fill in the blank with the latest act of violence against each other.

Here are links to background information on this subject:

The Violence Genes

Birth control pill changes women's taste in men

Apes of Wrath

Male versus Female dominated primate species

Evolution Library

The Ascent of Mind; Incrementing Intelligence

The Sixth Extinction (this time man made)

We are very proud that the Dixie Chicks (now just The Chicks) are from Texas.
Listen to their song: Goodbye Earl
But intelligent natural selection is a much better way to make Earl go.

You don't have to be masculine to be an Amazon woman but there's no harm in being a little assertive when you have to, like Melissa Alexander or like Rachael Bishop.

How to be a Matriarch:

To start with; all future wives, just insist your future husband take your last name after marriage, like this: Man takes wife's last name. When you get married, stand at the front while the groom is walked down the aisle by his mother.

The movie "Atomic Falafel" does a great job of showing how Iranian women and Israeli women can work together to stop men from destroying each other and the whole planet.

If all Persian & Arabic women and all Israeli women start working together for peace it becomes harder for the men to fight.
Like this: Miss Iraq and Miss Israel send photo Op message of peace.

What is an Amazon Woman?

The word "Amazon" may have originated around the Black Sea from a word meaning: woman of the land Azzi = 'Am'+ 'Azzi' = Amazon, also said to come from the Persian words "ha mazan", meaning women fighting together. Click and read carefully:

The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women

Please see these guides on how to protect yourselves from online harassment:
The empowering internet safety guide for women/

Assessment of the Human Race

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