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      Gluon Frequency in Heavy Elements

Please read the update at the bottom.

George J. Bugh                                                               Date: Jan 12, 2021

A decrease in Gluon frequency might explain why Nucleons enlarge inside atoms:

This author's background has originally been in electronics engineering and only recently I came across two science papers about changes in the size of nucleons related to the size of the nucleus:

Physicists have known for some time about individual nucleons having an increased size when they are in more massive nuclei. This seems related to something Bob Lazar said many years ago; that the nuclear strong force between quarks has a wave nature and that within the nucleus of very heavy elements it can become more accessible. That implies the force carriers have a lower frequency with a longer wavelength. Here is some background information. The nucleon per Wikipedia:

"In chemistry and physics, a nucleon is either a proton or a neutron, considered in its role as a component of an atomic nucleus."

The neutron and the proton are each believed to be made up of quarks and the quarks are bound together by the nuclear strong force. The force carrier for the nuclear strong force is the gluon.

A gluon per Wikipedia:

"A gluon (/ˈɡluːɒn/) is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle (or gauge boson) for the strong force between quarks. It is analogous to the exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged particles. In layman's terms, they "glue" quarks together, forming hadrons such as protons and neutrons."

It is this author's contention that this force carrier binding quarks together has a frequency and a wavelength. In fact, there is the possibility that gluons are really just electromagnetic waves. If quarks have electric charge and are precessing then they would radiate and absorb at their frequency of precession. Quarks would naturally move to positions where their precessional motions and exchanged emissions are in phase with each other, like maybe 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength spacing for example. If the quarks experienced external forces trying to force them out of position then the exchanged emissions from their precessions would apply strong forces pushing them back to where their precessions are in phase with exchanged emissions.

There is a possibility that something about heavy elements causes the precession frequency to decrease and so the quark spacing must enlarge for the quarks to stay in positions where their precessional motions stay in phase with their exchanged emissions. Then the question is; what about heavy elements would cause a decrease in the frequency of precession of the quarks? Could there be something about having a large cloud of electrons around the nucleus that would lower the precession frequency, or might there be something about being in the vicinity of many other nucleons in the nucleus that would lower the precession frequency for all of them?

In a classical model of the atom, another possibility is that the orbital electrons are all precessing and so radiating and absorbing to and from the nucleus in phase in a way somewhat similar to laser cooling and this is causing a change in the quark precession frequency and so a change in the size of the nucleons. Are the collective electron cloud emissions causing nucleons to form something like an enlarged Bose-Einstein condensate?

In any case, the fact that physicists know there is a relationship between nucleon size and the size of the element is significant. If Bob Lazar is correct that a signal exchanged between quarks (and with a wave nature) becomes more accessible in very heavy elements then there is the possibility that the frequencies involved are low enough that the nucleons not only share each other's space but also share space with the electrons in orbitals around each nucleus. Is this what makes the signal accessible?

Technically speaking, whether a signal exchanged between quarks has a wavelength of 1nm, 1um, 1mm or 1cm, this wavelength itself shouldn't make itself accessible just by extending outside the nucleus. An extremely short wavelength should be accessible if it is at least partially uncompensated and if it has a frequency range that we have technology to interface to. So that means a signal with a wavelength in the millimeter to centimeter range should be accessible if it is not completely compensated or cancelled out by complimentary emissions between quarks. Back in the 1980's when Bob Lazar was witnessing this type of technology, it would more likely have been a signal with a frequency in the GHz range (millimeter to centimeter wavelength) within the device he was told was the power source.

It could be that some of the orbital electrons of some heavy elements are unpaired so susceptible to electron spin resonance techniques at microwave frequencies and then these electrons also have nutational motion at gamma ray frequencies that interact with the nucleons and so act as intermediaries to allow access to the exchanged signals between the quarks. In order for a pilot of a vehicle with an advanced propulsion system to not experience extreme G forces, it is necessary to interface with and modify the phase of these signals exchanged between quarks in order to affect the inertia of the atoms relative to all other atoms in the universe.

This is based on the theory that some of the quark exchange energy is not just exchanged between quarks of each nucleon but also radiated away. Then an equal portion of energy is also received from all other radiating quark motions in the universe. This sets up a sea of standing waves. It is phase differences between precessing quarks and the sea of standing waves that causes the inertial force trying to keep quarks of nucleons in their positions.

Please watch a Spinwave Technology introduction video that explains more theory about a link between the nuclear strong force and inertia: 

UPDATE: If radioactivity can be thought of as caused by partially uncompensated quark spins then at a low enough frequency these spins should be accessible using magnetic resonance techniques. But first the frequency must be greatly lowered using something like BEC (Bose Einstein Condensates) or Time Crystals or possibly rotating electromagnetic fields creating a rotating reference frame. Even then, they are not the same as uncompensated electron spins. With electrons, a portion of the spins can all point the same direction among many electrons to make a macroscopic static magnetic field. However, with quark spins, because of their orientations and how triplets of quarks move around each other, the "static" portions of their magnetic fields are rotating and never really static. But they still also have precessional motions at gamma ray frequencies that become accessible when they are partially uncompensated. Then when the frequency is greatly lowered to the GHZ - THz range, we have the technology to receive, modify and transmit these signals, possibly of the precessions or of the frequencies at which the triplets of quarks spin around each other. It appears that 40 years ago, EG&G had already constructed a flying vehicle using these technology advancements that have been hoarded for decades by the military/industrial complex. Bob Lazar was made to think it was extraterrestrial in original but it was just human ingenuity kept secret for so long that it seemed like science fiction. For many decades, U.S. citizens filing patents for all kinds of things like this have had all their inventions stolen by the government. Companies like Lockheed Martin help the government to steal all these technologies.

Gluon Frequency in Heavy Elements

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