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NASA Voyager One gold diagram sent into space by humans hoping to contact ETs.
      Interview of CEO George Bugh by Keerthana Srinivasan

Jan, 2024

Please listen to the interview of Vasant Corporation CEO, George J Bugh by Keerthana Srinivasan on her first podcast of:


This is an audio podcast interview of George Bugh regarding the basics of Spin Wave Technology including Gravity Modification Technology. These days, Spin Wave Technology is described by many scientists as Magnonics. But the original Spin Wave Technology developed by Bugh includes not only interactions among uncompensated spins but among compensated spins also. Modifying the usually hard to detect spin interactions among compensated spins is what makes gravity modification possible. Bugh talks about this and more on this 32 minute podcast.

Interview of George J Bugh by Keerthana Srinivasan in Jan 2024

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