The Vasant Corporation is introducing ground breaking research in Spin Wave Technology with possible applications in signal processing, remote sensing, power generation, propulsion, computing and communications. This technology is similar to Spintronics and Magnonics.
The term 'spin wave' or 'spinwave' normally refers to a phenomena that occurs among uncompensated electron spins within magnetic materials. However, another form of spinwaves also occur among the compensating electron spins of all elements. This phenomena can be difficult but still possible to detect.
While Magnonics focuses on spin interactions among uncompensated spins, Spin Wave Technology deals with spin interactions among compensating spins as well. Those doing research and development in Magnonics have yet to realize this is possible or to recognize its technological importance.
We are proposing that long range interactions among compensating spins are responsible for gravity and inertia and that these properties of matter can be manipulated. We have seen evidence that UAPs are already using this technology and that most UAPs come from highly classified and compartmentalized programs within the military-industrial complexes of the USA and a few other countries.
 Spin Wave Technology
Pentagon video released to the public of a CIA metallic orb antigravity drone (UAP) recorded by an MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Middle East in 2022.
Revisiting a more Classical Approach to Quantum Mechanics:
The basic concepts of Spin Wave Technology are the result of research done by a senior staff aerospace electronics engineer, George J. Bugh. In Quantum theory, the wave-like characteristics of matter are described using abstract probability waves. However, Bugh proposes that the wave characteristics of matter may also be described as coming from a very real sea of unseen electromagnetic standing waves among all matter.
For a complete history of Bugh's research, see the first featured link at the bottom.
According to classical electrodynamics, all electrically charged particles, like quarks of protons and neutrons, as well as orbital electrons, should radiate away energy from precessional and precessional plus orbital motion. If in fact this really happens then all electrically charged particles can be radiating away energy all the time. However, all particles can also absorb just as much energy from all other radiating particles. The absorbed energy applies electromagnetic forces that naturally move all similar type particles into harmonious precessional motions with all other particles. This results in a vast sea of electromagnetic standing waves among all matter. Even free particles would move into precessional motions that are in sync with the established sea of standing waves.
These very real yet hard to detect electromagnetic waves are the "Pilot Waves" interacting with matter and causing the quantum behavior of matter to arise. Electron pairs in orbitals around atoms are precessing as they move around in their orbitals and are radiating and absorbing synchronized sets of electromagnetic waves.
Similar interactions between precessing quarks within atomic nuclei create much stronger and much higher frequency standing waves among all matter that give rise to the long range interaction with all matter of the universe to establish matter's characteristic of inertia. This is an interaction among all matter that Ernst Mach alluded to as necessary to cause matter's characteristic of inertia. Einstein later called this Mach's Principle. Einstein studied Mach's ideas while developing his theory of General Relativity.
There can be a hidden yet strong tendency towards harmony and equilibrium among all matter in the universe due to these unseen standing waves and spin interactions among all matter. This tendency can overcome to a great extent the tendency towards chaos and heat death of the universe. This tendency can also be exploited to perform work.
George Bugh's research is available in the Downloads section and Bugh makes presentations and answers questions in person to interested groups. Please click on the Services menu to find out more.
Chronology of Vasant Corporation Research (What Powers those Pentagon verified UFOs?)
Narrated Introduction presentation to Spin Wave Technology
The Equivalence Principle: Gravitational mass versus Inertial mass
An Exploitable Link between Gravity and Electromagnetism
Vasant Corporation Gender Policy (women in charge)
We appreciate your interest.
Vasant Corporation
A blast from the past, see us in 2003:
"Visualize a crowd of people in a stadium all doing 'the wave' ..."
Vasant Corporation Home Page, Spinwave Technology